Nordic countries week 2018

Chamber Investment Forum and Nordic Business Alliance in cooperation with the Embassy of Denmark, the Embassy of Finland and the Embassy of Sweden, within the Enterprise Europe Network project, are organizing business forum “Possibilities for cooperation of the Western Balkans region- region of Nordic countries”, that will be held from 16 until 18 October 2018 in Belgrade.
Forum participants and companies representatives from the countries of the WB Region will have the opportunity to learn about the Nordic business culture and to identify potential areas for cooperation with the economic delegation from the Nordic countries during the bilateral meetings.
The forums are divided by days with the aim of a stronger commitment to each country of the Nordic market, and the first forum will be held on October 16th 2018 where participants from the Western Balkans Region and businessmen from Sweden will take part. An economic forum on October 17 2018 will be held with the representatives of the Western Balkans Region and businessmen from Denmark, while the October 18 2018 is reserved for businessmen from the Western Balkans and Finland. 
Deadline for the registration of the Western Balkan companies is October 10 and main language of the forum and b2b meetings is English.
Further information available on: + 381 11 41 49 493 and +381 11 41 49 479 or e-mails: and

Bilateral Talks

  • Participants158
  • Meetings Requested359
  • Meetings Accepted110


This label (ie "Kosovo*") does not prejudge the status of Kosovo and is in accordance with Resolution 1244 and the opinion of the ICJ on Kosovo's declaration of independence.

Profile views

  • Before Event5826
  • After Event165722


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City, Resavska 15, Beograd 11000, Serbia