Telenor doo Svetlana Tešić Serbia, Belgrade
Teleoptik gasna oprema d.o.o. Milan Kovačević Serbia, Belgrade
- Request Distribution of our equipment
- Offer Mutual cooperation
TESTERAL Milovan Vidojevic Serbia, Jagodina
Tigar AD Pirot Vladimir Ilić Serbia, Pirot
- Offer & Request We offer wide range of products made of rubber such as rubber footwear, technical rubber goods,as we
Topwood Zoran Ilic Serbia, Beograd
- Offer & Request furniture elements, sawn veneer, windows doors, solid wood panels
Tourism organisation of Vojvodina Danijela Jokanovic Serbia,
TPA Serbia Bojan Žepinić Serbia, Belgrade
Trafco d.o.o. Krsta Mandic Serbia, Beograd
TRISTREL D.O.O. Bor Mavrovic Serbia, Beograd
Two Birds/VHP sistem Ivana Backovic Serbia, Belgrade
UNIS- USHA , Fabrika čeličnih užadi Aleksandar Mandić Bosnia-Herzegovina, Višegrad
University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences Zorica Svircev Serbia, Novi Sad
Vital a.d. Djordje Kontic Serbia,
- Offer Food products
Vrtlari doo Branislav Sekulic Serbia, Mali Idjos
ZASTAVA ORUZJE AD Goran Peric Serbia, Belgrade
ZDRAVO ORGANIC doo Zdenko Kolar Serbia,
Znam Co doo Branislav Perovic Serbia, Belgrade
ZWEBB d.o.o. Dragana Nerandžić Serbia, Belgrade
ZWEBB Sweden AB Zoran Marinković Sweden, Stoholm
ZWEBB Sweden AB / ZWEBB Serbia d.o.o. Dragana Nerandžić Sweden, Stockholm
- Idea Support for opening
Bilateral Talks
- Participants158
- Meetings Requested359
- Meetings Accepted110
Bosnia-Herzegovina 13
Denmark 7
Finland 14
Kosovo* 1
Macedonia 1
Montenegro 2
Serbia 112
Slovenia 1
Sweden 9
- Total of Participants160
Profile views
- Before Event5826
- After Event165747